1 Beginnings
This manual is a basic guide to black-and-white photography, covering all the
points taught in a typical introductory class. It starts at the beginning, assuming
you know little or nothing about photography, and guides you through
using your camera, developing film, and making and finishing prints.
Although there is much to learn, it’s not all that difficult. Modern films and
printing papers are easy to work with and today’s cameras offer a considerable
amount of automation, all of which make the job easier. Automation is not foolproof,
however. A camera can’t know exactly what the subject looks like and
how you want to photograph it. Much can go wrong, even in the most automated
cameras, for example, film that doesn’t load properly, autofocus that’s
off the mark, or inaccurate meter readings. And, of course, there’s always user
error. The more you understand about how everything works, the fewer problems
you will encounter along the way and the more control you’ll be able to
bring to the process, even when working with your camera on automatic mode.
To get the most from this book, you’ll need a reasonably sophisticated camera,
preferably one that works manually as well as automatically. Don’t worry if
you don’t have a top-of-the-line model; you can make great pictures using very
basic equipment. Photographic equipment varies somewhat in design and usage
from one camera system to another, so keep your manufacturer’s instructional
manuals handy to supplement the information in this text for details specific to
your equipment.
To make the best use of the sections on developing film and making prints,
you will need access to a darkroom. Both in the darkroom and when taking
pictures, refer to your equipment as you read the instructions. It will make
understanding the process much easier.
Here are some very general instructions and tips on getting started with your
camera, assuming it is a 35mm single-lens-reflex (SLR) camera, a commonly
used model. Later chapters cover these points and other types of cameras in far
greater detail.
Check the battery and turn on the camera. Your camera needs one or more batteries
to operate. Different models take batteries of different sizes. If your camera is new,
it probably comes packaged with the needed battery or batteries. If you haven’t
used it for a while, you may need new batteries. At any rate, you’ll need replacements
after shooting about 25–50 rolls of 35mm, 36-exposure film, depending
on the camera model and other factors; for instance, the more automation
you use, the more battery power you’ll drain. Some cameras have a battery
power indicator, usually displayed on an LCD screen. It’s a good idea to bring
extra batteries with you when you are photographing, just in case you need them.
Automated cameras usually have a power switch or button that you must
turn on to operate the camera. Keeping the power on drains battery power, so
switch off the camera when you’re not using it. Manually operated cameras are
often ready for use all the time, without having to be turned on.
Choosing and loading film. There are many different films available for blackand-
white photography. The most important difference among these films is
their relative film speed, how sensitive they are to light. Every film has an ISO
number that rates its sensitivity; the higher the ISO number, the more lightsensitive
the film. You’ll usually need a high-speed film (ISO 400 or higher) if
you are photographing indoors or in a low-light situation (without a flash) to
best capture what little light there is. You can generally use a medium- or slowspeed
film (ISO 200 or lower) in bright light outdoors or with a flash, when
there is plenty of light to expose the film adequately.
Thirty-five-millimeter film is packaged in a cylindrical cassette with the leader,
the tapered end of the film, sticking out. To load the cassette into your camera,
first swing open the back of the camera, usually by sliding or twisting a switch
on the side of the camera or by lifting a knob on the top left side.
The camera back has two chambers; usually the left chamber is empty and
the right chamber contains a take-up spool, to wind the film as it advances out
of the cassette. You insert the film cassette in the empty chamber with the
extended spool end down. Then, pull the film leader to uncover enough film to
reach the right chamber of the camera’s interior. Don’t pull out more film than
you have to.
With cameras that advance film automatically, you’ll need just enough film so
the front of the leader reaches just beyond the middle of the take-up spool; this
point is often indicated by a marking (sometimes colored red or orange). With
cameras that advance film manually, you’ll have to slip the end of the film leader
into a groove on the take-up spool and advance the film using the film advance
lever located to the right on the top of the camera. Thirty-five-millimeter film
has sprocket holes, square perforations along the edges. Advance the film one
or two times until the sprocket holes on both sides of the film fit into small
teeth in the spindle of the take-up spool. These teeth grab the film and move it
along after you take your pictures.
Close the camera back and advance the film. Make sure the back clicks shut. If
your camera loads automatically, it may advance the film as soon as you close
the cover when the camera is turned on; on some models you’ll need to press
the shutter button, the button used to take pictures, to initiate the film advance.
After advancing, the camera’s LCD panel should show a “1” to indicate you
are on the first exposure. Some models advance the entire roll of film onto the
take-up spool, then wind the film back into the cassette as you take your
pictures. On these models the LCD panel may show the total number of exposures
the film allows (usually 24 or 36) and count back to 1.
If your camera loads manually, you can only advance the film one frame at a
time. Alternate between moving the film advance lever and pressing the shutter
button until the film counter, usually a window on top of the camera, indicates
that you’re ready for the first exposure (1).
Compose your picture and set the film speed, lens aperture, and shutter speed.
Looking through the viewfinder on the top and back of the camera, you can
compose your subject the way you like it. But you also must make sure that the
film is receiving the right amount of light (exposure) to record the subject. The
first step for correct exposure is to set your ISO number, or film speed, on the
camera so the built-in light meter knows how much light your film needs. Most
modern cameras set the film speed automatically by reading a bar code on the
film cassette. On older or fully manual models, you must set the film speed
yourself, often using a dial located on the top of the camera body.
Once the film speed is fixed, the light meter can measure light in the scene to
determine how to set the camera for correct exposure. There are two settings
to control light. One is the lens aperture, an adjustable opening inside the lens,
measured in f-stops. A low f-stop number, such as f/2, indicates a wide lens
opening that lets in a lot of light, whereas a high number, such as f/16, indicates
a small opening that lets in much less light.
The other light-controlling setting is shutter speed, a measurement of how
long the shutter (a curtain or set of blades located between the lens and the film) opens up to allow film to be exposed. The most commonly used shutter
speeds are indicated as fractions of a second; a “slow” shutter speed (1/30) lets
in light for a much longer period of time than a “fast” speed (1/1000).
The job of the light meter is to provide the right combination of f-stop and
shutter speed to achieve correct exposure. In fully automatic cameras, or cameras
in a program autoexposure mode (P), the camera sets the f-stop and shutter
speed for you, often displaying the chosen settings in its viewfinder or LCD
panel. In nonautomatic cameras, or cameras set in manual mode (M), you’ll
have to set f-stop and shutter speed yourself with guidance from the meter.
Many cameras offer various other semiautomatic exposure modes, described
There’s a lot to know about getting the right film exposure. But to begin with
you may want to shoot a few rolls in automatic or program mode to become
familiar with the mechanics of picture taking. Good exposure technique is
covered in great detail in later chapters.
Focus and take your pictures. Once you’ve composed your picture and established
the correct exposure, make your subject sharp by setting the focus, either
automatically (autofocus) or manually; most cameras offering autofocus have
a switch that allows you to choose either manual or autofocus. In most cameras,
to use autofocus you push the shutter button halfway down; there is often an